Sunday 15 April 2012

Okay well that seemed to work. The first thing that is painfully obvious about me is that I am no tech bear with me. So why have I decided to blog then? Good question. To be honest I am a bit self conscious doing this...hopefully that will pass but I would say that my main reason for doing this is for my own benefit. To be fair from where Im sitting it is unlikely that any musings of mine will benefit, or even be of interest to, anyone else. My thinking however is that blogging may help me organize my own increasingly convoluted thought life into something approaching coherence, a tall order but you never know.I often need to talk but living alone I am becoming increasingly tired of the sound of my own voice so this seems a viable alternative. My contributions here are as likely to be every bit as erratic as all other aspects of my life at present but I will try to bring some regularity to my efforts. Basically we will see how it goes. And that I think will do for now.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blogger Andrew. You'll be a dab hand at it in no time!

    I look forward to reading your posts.

    God Bless
