Monday 20 April 2015

A swan, some ducks and David Gray

Not often I do one of these 2 days running but I felt the need tonight.   This blogging as therapy could end up being hard work. Was at a bit of a loose end this evening and having drawn a blank at my usual points of contact I headed out to the Corbet Lake...a small stretch of water just outside town frequented by the local fishing fraternity and a haunt for some very colorful water fowl. There's a small car park set in against the road in which you can sit and view across the lake as I'm doing now. As I write a couple of ducks have taken up residence near to the car...I have David Grays New Day at Midnight blaring away in here but the ducks seem unperturbed...I'm not sure if it's because they have good taste in music or if they have gotten used to the comings and goings here...probably the latter. A particularly stressful day at work has given way to a flat and non descript sort of evening. Just me, David Gray and some ducks...and a swan that I've just noted. Could be worse I suppose. I've only recently discovered Gray properly...I was aware of him obviously (Babylon and all that) but had never really paid much attention until someone sent me this album recently  (now that dates me) and it's been like the soundtrack to my life of late. Funny the way songs impact you ways that I'm certain the writer never intended. I find Gray rarely disappoints in that regard. There's almost always something lyrically that tugs or resonates whatever the songs. Particularly if one is in a certain frame of mind. I've heard these 12 songs countless times but I always seem to get some new little nuance here and there...or maybe I'm just too susceptible to mood."Meet me on the Other Side" is just finishing...

 "That trick ain't worth the time it buys
I'm sick of hearing my own lies"

Yep...those nuances keep coming. 

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